Auction at 708 Sigler St., Hebron, IN.

April 09 2005 10:00 AM

708 Sigler St., Hebron, IN - Directions


From the intersection of Rt. 2(Main St.) and Rt. 8(Sigler St.) turn west to auction location. Watch for Cooke’s Auction signs.

Antique Furniture

walnut credenza, maple desk, pine & oak wardrobes, oak chairs, drop leaf table & lamp table, porcelain topped Hoosier cabinet, side table w/4 leaves, etc.

Contemporary Furniture

oak china hutch, end tables & entertainment center, king size bed, sofa, chairs, etc.

Collectibles and Glassware

Philco tube radio & records, handmade quilts, Gibson amp, ashtray & shot glass collection, numerous small collectibles, costume jewelry, wooden wine barrel, Coca Cola ice chest, cast iron pump, old seeder, numerous religious items, crocks, knick knacks, depression, crystal, etc.

Tools, Lawn and Garden

12 gal. shop vac, 5 hp Quantum self propelled mower, misc. lawn tools, etc.

Appliances and Electronics

table & floor lamps, pictures, prints, xmas ornaments, misc. electrical appliances, linens, doilies, Speed Queen dryer, GE washer, Kalvinator upright freezer, Sanitary frig, etc.


Partial listing only. Many boxes to be unpacked.

Terms of Sale

Cash, check or credit card accepted.

All items are sold as is. All information contained herein was derived from sources believed to be correct but are not guaranteed. All statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.